Friday, March 19, 2010

Movie Review - Green Zone

Went with Mike to the movie Green Zone starring Matt Damon. There wasn't much funny to learn from the this movie. Fictional Movies trying to find the why, where , when and why of how we were lead to believe there were WMDs in Iraq do not make for funny blogging fodder. A lot of people have given way too much for something that has been shown to be a terrible mistake at best and (as the movie portrays it) the biggest kind of treachery at the worst.

With that said here are a few things I learned from the movie Green Zone:

  • I learned that I chuckle every time I hear a a radio conversation contain the word "Niner"
  • I learned that every time I see Matt Damon's name or face for the first time on a movie I say out loud "Maaattt Daaammonnn" Thanks Matt Parker and Trey Stone, you have ruined his name for me.
  • I learned that after the bad guy gets shot in the movie, and the guy's phone behind you in the theater starts ringing to "Our God, is an Awesome God" it kinda sounded like it was part of the soundtrack at first.

So there is a new movie coming out called "Marmaduke". I wonder what it could be about.

This shot is to show that you dontt have a big enough room to take this promotional piece home. That or is show Mike is actually just a lilliputian.

There were some pretty good trailers. So in lieu of a song here are 2 movies I am looking forward to seeing:

1 comment:

  1. Maybe he should call himself Ass Kick, he he he. Nick Cage, it is too bad you peaked at Raising Arizona.

    I learned that
    1) The Green Zone - not really that green
    2) Some people got to stay at a really nice hotel with a pool and drink beer and basically have a party the whole time.
    3) These people were not the soldiers who were risking their lives
    4) The crossed swords over the entrances to the Baghdad airport are really pretty creepy
    5) I don't really want to ever be in a city as it is being bombed...what a horrible, helpless feeling.


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