Friday, March 26, 2010

Stoopid reporting

CNN had an article today that is beyond dumb. you can find it here with this title:

Alleged John Edwards sex tape survives courthouse fire

It then goes on to say that the tapes weren't even in the courthouse. WOW. REALLY?!?! Kind of like saying I survive Pompeii and Vesuvius because I wasn't born yet don't you think? Ranks up there with bad late night inside Hollywood that spent 5 minutes talking about a picture of tiger's wife in Europe even though it was her sister. AND THEY KNEW IT! It seems more than just a little lazy to me, it is dishonest. I don't much care for liars. If you are wrong that is one thing, but to pretend that an item is something it isn't... I hate it.

Jamie Lou went to the Black Eyed Peas last night at the well. She wanted me to go, but it seems like a big waste of money for the amount of enjoyment I would have received from it. For the third concert in a row she was amazed at the number of parents that bring their children to a profanity laced overtly sexual concert. I don't have a good answer for it, because it sure isn't for the art. I am thinking it is because the baby sitters are at the show too, and rather than stay home with the kiddies, it is easier to bring them to hear Luda...... the downfall of American society ;-)

So in honor of BEP be reppin' it. Here is Fergie pissing herself on stage

1 comment:

  1. It's stoopid sensationalism...if it just "Fire at one injured" not many people would read it.

    Do people really think evidence for a court case over a month ago would still be stored in the courthouse? Courthouses don't have that much room, they *might* have evidence for all of today's current trials stored there, but even that is a long shot.


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