Monday, March 15, 2010

A strange thing happend this weekend

So a strange thing happened this weekend to me. No there were no aliens, or drag queen shows involved this time. It happened at the Sprint Store on University. I received quick, prompt, fast, helpful, needed customer service. I know, hard to believe, but true.

A while back Jamie Lou and I got Palm Pre's to use as our primary cell phones. I can't speak for her but it is the best phone I have owned. Except for two things. 1) when you type numbers in by hand to dial a number it beeps and 2) my phone was broke and it thought the ear phone buds where in even when they weren't. That means to talk and HEAR someone on the phone I either needed my ear buds or to be on speaker phone. I found out quickly not being able to hear was no very useful.

So on Saturday we were out running errands and Jamie Lou asked if I had anymore things to do before we went home, and I said take me to the Sprint Store. She started to head to Merle Hay and I said no, that we needed to go to University to the main store where the techs are. She the through a fit about how awful a place it is. I don't know if she really ever had a traumatic event happen to her there or if she is just imagining horror from other's stories...

I told her to go to the book store, but she was determined to come in and see the awfulness that is Sprint Customer Service.

We came in and were third in line to be queued into the wait list. Within 1 minute we were on the "to talk to someone list" and within another 1 minute we were talking to a guy that says "Sure we can fix it" He mentioned it might take a few minutes.

So Jamie Lou and I waltzed over to Rock Bottom for a drink and a snack of pizza (which was pretty good) and headed back over.

When we got there we were informed that the phone wasn't "fixable" so I was getting a new phone. So just like that broken phone gone, new working phone in. Only bad thing is that I think(actually I know) I lost all phone numbers that I didn't have backed to my computer which is a bunch. So if I don't call it is prolly because I no longer have your phone number, so you text me with your name or shoot me an e-mail with your number and I will get them entered back in to the Pre.

So just when you think the terrorists have won, you get great service and a place people hate to go to. I gotta say, it was a good day.

Song of the Day: "Shiva" The Smashing Pumpkins I don't live - I Inhale, I don't give - I unveil......Got to see this played Live in Ames many years ago, Billy plays a better axe than I ever knew


  1. Surprising, especially from Sprint...though I don't own a Sprint phone, I have heard many, many horror stories. Not about the store though, always the call in customer service when trying to deal with a bill or change plans or whatever.
    Glad you got a new phone and no hassle.

  2. Three guitarists who never get the love they should: Bald Billy, Prince, and Dave Mustaine. Three people that usually aren't mentioned in the same sentence.

  3. I agree with Denyse...all great guitarists that are overlooked. Course I think it's Prince's own fault on that one. I read a review of his newer album (the one that was exclusive through Target for a while) and the reviewer said it was half good - the dance music part was great, but the reviewer didn't like the guitar & rock half because it was "Not Prince-like." Laughed about that for weeks because the rocking Prince from the eighties is the one that comes to my mind...not NPG/Symbol Prince.


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