Monday, March 22, 2010

Health Care

I am not a political person. Not because I don't care, not because I don't have opinions, I think it is because I hate the aggression from other side from what I think in my mind is "right". And that goes both ways - dems and reps. And I have decided that there is really only the illusion of choice and all roads lead to the same place. I think I would qualify myself as a pro civil liberties, anti hate, people generally know better what is good for themselves, the haves should help the have nots, guns are good, don't tell a woman what to do with her body.... kind of guy.

My buddy at work a while back received a letter from the RNC, in the return address it was titled "2010 OBAMA AGENDA SURVEY". It makes me laugh the this mailing says there is an agenda. OF COURSE THERE IS A FUCKING AGENDA IT IS POLITICS EVERYONE HAS AN AGENDA, IT IS JUST THAT THEIR AGENDA FOR ONE REASON OR ANOTHER ISN'T YOURS. It is funny to me that this friend got this letter as he would be about as far from the RNC as any of my friends are.

The questionnaire inside just makes me shake my head. It is when my wife comes home and says things like "did you know that 1 in 10 people.... did you know that 40% of... did you know that...." I have a degree in Mathematics from Simpson College, one thing that I did learn is that numbers can be made to say anything you like. I wonder what this RNC survey is trying to make the numbers say. It has such gem questions like:

Do you agree with Barack Obama and the democrats that the taxes should be raised for the sake of "fairness," regardless of the negative impact it is likely to have on the economy? I love how they lower the importance of the president by referring to him by his first and last name. And what are we agreeing with? What was said by who? Did the democrats say regardless of the negative impact...? No one will agree with that statement the way it is worded.

Do you support the creation of a national health care plan that would be administered by bureaucrats in Washington, DC? Isn't this have bureaucrats do? Administer programs for the nation? Who would the RNC suggest runs the plan?

The questions go on and on with words like eliminate, controls, government-funded, unionization.... I would almost like the chance to re-write these questions just to make them in a way to get the complete opposite result as what was intended. i.e. Would you be in favor of a program that would allow 32 million Americans access to health care for the first time, allowing for medical care saving millions of dollars in emergency care by allowing for regular doctor visits and preventative care?

I am excited to see that finally there may be a chance for those people that have to tell their kids "Don't get sick we can't afford it" or the ones that wait to go to the emergency room when it is too late to treat their illness, or those that are diabetic and can't get treatment. .... I am excited that the greatest nation on the planet is trying to do something to help the health of it's people. You don't agree with me, suck it, I don't like politics and I am not going to debate it with you. It is my opinion and there isn't anything I want to hear from you on it. Or maybe that is the attitude that gets us the Glen Becks and Sean Hannitys and Keith Olbermanns of the world. What do I know? I am just a fat guy trying to get by happy to see a man get something done he campaigned to do.

Song of the day: In keeping with the health care theme no song of the day, but here is a show that is cranking up for season 2 tonight. It is one of my favorites right now as they are all so flawed, the kids the adults the patients, it has a "real" feel to it and I am glad to see it back. Nurse Jackie


  1. Politics have gotten so it is a huge deal if ONE single person crosses the aisle and votes for something sponsored by the other team. Really? REALLY? You can't agree on anything? I hate it all so much.

  2. I got that letter and had the exact same thought. The wording was hilarious all the way through.
    Both sides are only interested in wins for their team. It isn't about what's good for the country as a whole, it's all about how do I get more people on my team elected.
    I truely believe if we had term limits for Congress and got rid of the career politicians we would all be a lot better off. Serve your country and then get your butt back home and go back to work in your local community. Some of these people have NEVER had real jobs.

  3. That is the other thing I don't get. They, Them, Their .... who are they, and what do they want?!?! maybe there really are secret societies of filthy rich people, and I wish I was one of them


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