Thursday, March 11, 2010

what to say

Sometimes I just sit here and have nothing to say. Not sure if it is because last night was on the boring side for me, but I don't think that is it. Could be that nothing funny happened around me, a little closer. Or it could be that I am just not that creative, may be a little too close to the truth to want to admit.....

Well even with all the crappy work place issues that have been going around, thus far Jamie Lou and I have weathered the storm. She was even lucky enough to get a little extra from her company in the form of a bonus. Now seeing where I work I had never heard of this word. So I had to look it up:

  1. something given, paid, or received above what is due or expected - ex. a Christmas bonus for all employees
Interesting concept, I have never received one, but that is getting off point.....

So her little extra hit the account yesterday, and lucky enough for her that not only does she like nice things, but she works hard and deserves them. The last few years the reward of choice has been a Coach purse. And why not? They are a statement and look nice. Unfortunately I have had to insert myself into the purse buying process. For what ever reason this fashionable, smart chick is broken when it comes to purse selecting. Case in point, last night the first one she picks is a hand bag that is the color of old woman's underwear. Truly horrible. "But I like it," she says. The next one is this gray number. Because hey, what says spring has sprung like a ugly gray purse? I got her narrowed down to two more festive choices, and then she made the final decision. See how I do that, get it down to only good choices, then it is win-win. She gets something nice, and I am nor embarrassed to be seen with it. Some people say "Don;t you have enough purses?!?!" I say, that is why you work hard and get ahead, so if you want fun stuff, you can have it.

Song of the day: The Raconteurs "Steady, As She Goes" I think I have a man-crush on Jack White


  1. I am just glad that she doesn't like those HUGE purses that basically look like large garbage bags. How much crap do some people want to carry around? Seriously?! Your purse is a quarter of your body weight?

    All I need:
    Small wallet

    That all can fit in one pocket...but some women want a purse larger than my carry-on bag when flying.

    I agree work hard and then you can spend your money on whatever you want. Some people like purses, I prefer hookers.

  2. If I knew she was a fan of coach purses I would have sold you one that my wife bought, used it twice and now sits in the closet. Also gray is was the color for fall & winter. thats what i learned purse shopping last fall.

  3. In! How much you want? Also, fool, you think I don't know gray is for winter, green spring, red summer, orange fall.. you better recognize!

  4. Mike - sounds like you need a swiss army wallet phone key. it would be roughly the size of a purse.....

  5. Way to go Jamie (and way to be a supportive hubs). Also, I love that song!


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