Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Global Warming

Help is what is needed, and in the worst of ways. Friday My trash cans were able to sit on the ground and not on 3 feet of snow in my front yard. If this Global Warming continues I will soon be able to take the cans to the street by quietly rolling them through the thick green grass instead of noisily down the broken beat up driveway. This is madness and if we don't find a way to make it colder and keep snow around I may even have to rake or mow. This is crazy talk!
On a completely different line of thought I do love pandora on my palm pre, hook it up to the USB and rock out at work, and maybe block out other noise like that effing printer that never stops running all day.
Song of the day: The White Stripes "My Doorbell" When you gunna ring it, when you gunna ring it?


  1. I love the White Stripes more and more. So many awesome songs.
    Seven Nation Army
    Blue Orchid
    Hardest Button to Button

    Love their simplicity and just raw power.

  2. Indeed, it is primal, I also like the Black Keys for the reason and a new one (to me) called the arctic monkeys


I welcome your thoughts and feedback!