Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Funny Picture

Well it looks like my free neo counter trial ran out. Not sure it is worth paying money for it. It really doesn't provide any great service that their free replacement can't cover... other than looking cool and green and spherical and being click-able and showing what city people were from and how many people were currently logged on to the blog.... yep Pretty sure I'll being paying money for a stupid counter.... I am an idiot

Going to Iron Man in a few days at Billy Joe's will put up my thoughts on it shortly after. Hoping for good things.

This one has been floating around, but I get a laugh every time. What did we all do before the internet and Photoshop?

Click the Photo to make larger and easier to read:

1 comment:

  1. I often wonder the same thing...how the heck did people drive to strange places without the interwebicon? Yes it has steered me wrong a few times but most the time it works awesome.

    So get any Bags of Crap? I see the Woot off continues. Good luck!


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