Sunday, July 27, 2008

Thank You. Thank You. A thousand times Thank You!

They call it an Amish barn raising. When the community comes together and as a group accomplishes more than one family ever could alone. While it wasn't barns we were raising, what we did do was a MAJOR accomplishment. It is amazing to me everything everyone got done. Trees cut down, bonfires burned, ditches cleaned, logs cut, yard raked, yard weed-eated, bricks moved, bricks cleaned, mortar mixed, sidewalks laid, pools cleaned, fences fixed, cars started. I am sure the list could go on and on... So for little more than some water, beer, gatorade and a quick lunch at Fat Boys in Grimes my friends and Family came to help. Not because they had to, but because they wanted to. I know I am lucky in my life to know such kind people. So much was accomplished! So I say to each of you Sean, Jamie, Mathew, Paul, Thad, Joe, DeDe, Zac, Dani, Connor, Greyson, Devon, Rusty, Ella (for the hugs) - Thank You. Thank You. A thousand times Thank You! I can never repay you for what you did for my parents, but I will try, all you have to do is ask...

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


  1. You are welcome, and I might be calling in that favor as it seems I am going to have to replace the back door on my house. I should just board it up. I will have to show Matthew the pictures on the Web, he will get a kick out of that.

  2. Wow, you have the Ol' Homestead looking nice. You guys (and gals) accomplished a lot! Would have been there to help if I could. Congrats on all the finished projects, I am sure your parents appreciate it.

  3. Wow! Looks amazing. So sad I was on vay-cay and missed all the work.


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