Tuesday, April 6, 2010

100th Post

I never thought that would be possible, after 2 real layoffs from blogging, I think I am back at it and done feeling sorry for myself or what ever that mood was I was in last year.

So in honor of the 100th posting here are 100 things I like:

  1. The Vikings
  2. The Sharks
  3. Tissot Watches
  4. Camaros
  5. Basset Hounds
  6. Niece Ella
  7. Nephew James
  8. Nephew Peter
  9. Taki
  10. Mad Fish
  11. I-Cubs
  12. Big Cubs (sometimes, I am sure they will get them next year)
  13. I-State Football
  14. I-State basketball
  15. the Palm Pre
  16. the World of Warcraft
  17. HD TVs
  18. Dexter
  19. Tool
  20. Lost
  21. big pimpin' Lincolns
  22. beards
  23. moustaches
  24. Pandora internet radio
  25. Jamie Lou (even when she drops a bowl of dog food on my head)
  26. Florida
  27. Kansas City
  28. T&D and the summer pool
  29. Air Conditioning
  30. Gold's Gym working out with Floyd
  31. Tattoos, but not on the neck
  32. Earrings
  33. Gordon Ramsey
  34. Chocolate Milk
  35. The original Clash of the Titans
  36. Paul Rudd
  37. Nathan Fillion
  38. Bruce Campbell
  39. Die Hard
  40. X-Box
  41. X-Box Live
  42. the OC with Cas and Tad Chilly
  43. Bowling
  44. Movies with Gubby
  45. getting over Billy Joe's closing the movies down
  46. the thought of new house windows
  47. Tailgating with the fam and Ty and Jess
  48. MMA
  49. Car shows that produce amazing things
  50. Simpson College
  51. being employed
  52. College football
  53. the NFL
  54. NBA Playoffs
  55. this college basketball season finally being done
  56. Attack of the Show
  57. Michelle Beadle
  58. Sports Nation
  59. Castle
  60. SoaD
  61. my fan at work
  62. headphones at work
  63. golfing
  64. being messy
  65. driving 100
  66. driving a golf ball 300
  67. NY Times crosswords
  68. Tuesdays at Francies
  69. working out
  70. trying to be more healthy
  71. Lowering my blood pressure
  72. not sweating the small stuff
  73. the interwebs
  74. Bretr Favre
  75. Adrian Peterson
  76. Jared Allen
  77. Kevin William
  78. Paul Rhoads
  79. Sam Adams
  80. Fat Tire
  81. Maker's Mark
  82. Sbrocco
  83. Centro
  84. blogging
  85. flossing
  86. Mexico
  87. Europe
  88. the Valentin Imperial Maya
  89. Sixlets
  90. BJ Penn
  91. Peeps
  92. Circus Peanuts
  93. Daytona's
  94. Original Mi Mexico Margaritas
  95. FPS Doug
  96. the ORLY owl
  97. Clearwater
  98. New Jersey
  99. Megadeth
  100. Stupid lists
  101. Larry's rendition of MIA's "Paper Planes"
  102. Day Old Donuts
  103. Half Gallon of Chocolate Milk
  104. 30 pounds in 30 days
  105. Ford Contours
  106. Shannon
  107. 8:00 am psych 101 classes, and the profs daughter
  108. The Oakland A's
  109. Hari wanting Jamie Lou ranked above WoW
  110. My lil sis Sara

There! 100, Suck on that Trebek!

I am sure there are a bunch more that I missed... feel free to leave them in the comments


  1. Yeah, you forgot me Jagoff!


  2. You forgot to link each one to something funny! Geez...like you are working or something :) Happy 100.

    (and I second on you forgetting Shannon)

  3. These must be in no particular order since Jamie Lou is WAY after that warcraft game and lots of other stuff.

  4. What about free MNF tickets to Vikings/Packers?


  5. I wonder if these are in order because your lil sis is last. I like the Valentin Imperial Maya hotel in Mexico. It is a great place to stay.


I welcome your thoughts and feedback!