Monday, August 18, 2008 game

Ok, found this over at Larry's where he says: "Stolen from the Loverly Morgan: type your answers into the search function at and write what it says."

I'll just add, make it is the first answer on the hit you get. Not always a pleasant answer, but pretty funny for the most part.

Good luck and take the challenge!

1) Name Cameron

to uncontrollably defecate at the point of climax while performing intercourse with another person. for maximum effect, injest mexican food and booze beforehand.

"Dude, John just pulled a Cameron all over Sally. "

2) Age 32

A wanksta flip guy that gets 32% in school
"Shane is 32."

3) One of Your Friends Mike

To do something incredibly stupid. To be retarded and look like an idiot at something.
"He mike'd it up again. DOH!"

4) What I should be doing Sleeping
To masturbate furiously in your room while praying that your grandma doesn't come in.
"GET OUT GRANDMA! I was sleeping."

5) Middle Name Ted
A term used in and around Liverpool,England.To describe a person as being a ted means that they are behind the times in terms of their fashion sense,musical taste or general outlook on matters.It's a take on the fashion craze Teddy Boys which was popular many years ago.
"Sit down Nigel,you ted."

6) Favorite food Sushi
A Japanese dish made with a lump of rice and sweetened vinegar wrapped around a vegetable slice, or a fish slice. Often there is a piece of seaweed wrapped around the entire thing, but not always. Also, the vegetable or piece of fish can be on top of the rice with the seaweed wrapped around vertically.
"Wow, that sushi bar uses the freshest artichokes for their sushi!"
To masturbate furiously in your room while praying that your grandma doesn't come in.
"GET OUT GRANDMA! I was sleeping."

7) Home Town Des Moines
The capital city of Iowa, also the largest city in Iowa with a metro population of about a half mil (not huge but good sized for the Midwest). Contrary to popular belief, not a bad city, ranked #4 for quality of life in the US. Only really bad part is Des Moines is over 80% white, so it's not very "hip."
"Dude, are you going to the concert in Des Moines? "

8) Vehicle You Drive Ford Contour
see pimpmobile
"It could smoke your rice burner any day."

9) Last person I talked to on the phone Sean
a sexy/hot/awesome person
"dammmm, whata sean"


  1. Dude, you're still driving the Contour!? I remember the road trip to DeKalb, IL for a football game, and we got stinkin' drunk at some Northern Illinois college bar, and nobody was there.

    Oh, and we played Tubthumping by Chumbawamba like 50 times on the way there, thus rendering it unplayable for the rest of my life.

    Good times....

  2. This post completely cracked me up. I'm going to have to go try it out, though really hope that I get some better answers. :)

  3. Most of mine were really I guess that matches me.


I welcome your thoughts and feedback!