Friday, January 16, 2015

Unqualified Advice: Q & A

Here is (maybe) my new Friday post: Unqualified Advice.  The name comes from where you would expect, I am not qualified to give answers or advice on any topic, but here we go:

What aspect of living in Texas as appealed to you the most? -Eric
Great Question Eric!  There are actual several aspects 1) eating 2) shelter 3) a place to live. Jamie Lou need a new job and after looking around Dallas is where she landed.  I like to joke that she had too many personal freedoms as a female in Iowa so Texas was the logical choice.  Since I am the eye candy in this relationship I follow where the money flows.  Now, if it is where we chose to live in Dallas... that is easier to answer, in keeping her commute to a a reasonable time and not wanting another fixer-upper the farther north you go the more house and land you get, hence we are almost in Plano in Far North Dallas just inside George Bush now.

Do Longhorns really have Long horns? -Jessica
These giant gentle creatures DO have long horns Jessica!  But the only long horn I prefer are horns down
Those Are LONG! now down

Is it wrong that when I go to a Thai place and they ask how spicy I want something 1-5, I always picture them using a Spice Weasel? -Mike
First of all, Always be confident in what you believe. Secondly, I am 87% sure the spice weasel is the official animal of Thailand. So it would only make sense that the wise and fierce animal would be used in this capacity.  But hear me when I say this:  NEVER TEASE A WEASEL!

If you could eat one food, and only one food, for the rest of your life what would it be? -Lee
Now this is a hard one.  The obvious answer is Pez, Cherry Flavor Pez.  But that has already been done.  So I would have to say I would choose lasagna.  Definitely lasagna.  Or enchiladas.  I would for sure choose enchiladas. Or cereal, I really like cereals, so I would for sure choose cereal.  I do like donuts. "Donuts" is my answer. No, steak. I would choose steak.  But then I do love sushi, so we end at Uni, uni would be what I choose.  So, there is my answer for the one food I would eat
Song of the day:
maybe the best metal song ever made "Sweating Bullets" Megadeth

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