Sunday, October 5, 2008

Things I learned from Watching Step Brothers

Went to Billy Joe's Picture Show to watch "Step Brothers" last Thursday. Peed a little, laughed a lot. Other than "Get Smart" lately the viewing selection has been rough at best, so "Step Brothers" was a much welcomed breath of fresh air. It reminded me of when Jamie Lou and I went to "There's Something Something About Mary", it had the same laugh out loud qualities to it. I will say that watching this movie I learned a few things:

I learned/confirmed that I am a child and I still love fart jokes, they get me every time.

I learned that even if you think your fart will be "silent", it is best to not let one rip during a job interview.

I learned that if you punch a dickhead in the face, there is a chance that his wife will want to have sex with you.

I learned that although you may be 40, you may not have the smarts to build bunk beds. So I say to you, DO NOT BUILD BUCK BEDS no matter how much room it will give you for activities.

I learned that throwing "Boats and Hoes" into a moving Italian song makes it more accessible to the average man. A killer drum solo, just makes it great for everybody as well.
Thanks for the Edit Kelly!

I learned that if you know you live with a sleep walker you must, AND I REPEAT MUST, check the oven before preheating it.

I learned that if you have a Billy Joel cover band you probably should learn his entire catalog. Only doing 80's Billy Joel will result in you being heckled off the stage.

I learned that no matter how much you spend on voice lessons if your wife isn't into the A Capella version of "Sweat Child O' Mine" with the rest of the family, it falls flat.

I learned that even if there are two 40 years olds, get enough little children together the 40 year olds can/will take an ass whooping. Additionally, if you come back for a rematch with that same gang of children appearing from a helicopter, you will do the ass whooping.

I learned that if you are being buried alive you should be quite as to not wake the neighbors.

I learned that if someone, who is sweaty and probably shouldn't be, tells you they were watching Cops you should sanitize your drums before touching them. I am just saying the sack sweat smell might linger for a while

Pineapple Express is the next movie up, so two winners in a row, now we ballin'!

Now a serious item from me. Parents, tell your kids you love them. Husbands and wives, give each other a hug. Kids call you parents and say thanks for everything. A good friend of mine had his son tragically killed last week. Life is short and don't "wish" you had done something. Do it.


  1. nice!, edit made and found the GnR cover too :)

  2. Hey,

    I quit Billy's last weekend (long story), but please please please let me know when you are seeing Pineapple Express: I loved it so much alone, I'd like to see it with Cam and Mike commentary...

    515 991-0187


  3. Mike commentary is overrated. He is mostly a mini-corn dog eating jerk. He'll probably just go "Thug Life" every time someone picks up a gun.
    But everyone is always welcome to join. Cam has funny commentary.


I welcome your thoughts and feedback!