Friday, October 17, 2008

Things I like

There are quite a few things I like... and one is taking pics with my crappy camera phone. So from time to time I think I may post some of my favorites.

So here is one of my all time favorites. Grabbed this leaving and I-State Basketball game running back to the car when it was freezing out. Then I had one of those "did I just see that" moments.

I never ceases to amaze me what people can get by "the man"

So, here is what I saw:


  1. Stickin' it to him!! The man, that is.

    Florida Pete

  2. I remember seeing one that was OU812 at the time when Van Halen had that album out...and all I could think was - "Really? You are that unoriginal." There used to be one in Ankeny that I would see every other week or so "Pig Girl." I always enjoyed that...and she really wasn;t unattractive. Course, I always hoped to drive alongside and lookover and see a pig headed person driving. That would have been awesome!

  3. I have one on an old phone that said "I (a heart) BJS" In CA you could have the heart symbol on license plates


I welcome your thoughts and feedback!