Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Things I learned from the movie "Warrior"

The movie last week was "Warrior" I would describe it as a trying to do better, while following in the footsteps, while hating your father, while being down on your luck kind of movie.

Mike, Angie and I did it up right that night, got there a little early even, which was a nice change from the usual for this rag-tag group of heathens.  So with peanut butter M&Ms in hand here is what I learned form the movie "Warrior"


  • I learned that Paddy Conlon doesn't have a woman around not because he doesn't like them, more because they can't take a punch like they used to.
  • I learned that I didn't recognize Tom Hardy with hair after seeing him in "Bronson" (which I recommend as a mind eff along the lines of "A clockwork orange".
  • I learned that Tom Hardy must lift a few weights in real life.
  • I learned that Kurt Angle can play a really convincing Russian bad ass..
  • I learned that the youtube video of Mad Dog getting beat up wasn't a fluke.
  • I learned that if you did on the street what happened to the Mad Dog in the ring, you'd go to jail.
  • I learned that Tommy liked his dad better when his dad drank.
  • I learned that Tommy found out he was wrong.
  • I learned that Paddy wanted Ahab to turn his boat around.
  • I learned that Brendan used to be one of those animals.
  • I learned that there is a difference to fighting in a parking lot next to a strip club and fighting in a strip club.
  • I learned that the superintendent of schools might not agree with that.
  • I learned that if you somehow go AWOL from a battle zone and they find you much later using a different name they will let you finish your fighting tournament before taking you into custody
  • I learned that not only will they wait until after the tourney, but after the fight they will let you walk back to the locker rooms and all of the MPs will be nowhere to be seen.
  • I learned that Tommy took a lot of pills.  You could tell how many bottle he was carrying just by the sound.
  • I learned that that Tommy must have the strength of 100 men, as he tore the door of a sinking tank.
  • I learned that you have to have a training montage, even rock had a montage.

  • I learned that it is sometimes funny seeing people play themselves in movies.
  • I learned that Tapout seems to be doing fine without Mask.
  • I learned that 2 unknown people will just be let into a 16 man tourney to find the best fighter in the world. 
  • I learned that the bank can't help you if the city re-values your house at a lower price.
  • I learned that the banker doesn't know how lucky he is scoffing at a high school physics teacher's decision to spend the extra money from his refinancing of his home to pay for a life saving procedure on his daughter. As the teacher will turn out to be the baddest man on the planet and could have easily chocked the banker to death.
  • Lastly, I  learned that at the time I thought this movie was great, but as the days have passed by I now think this movie was fine.  A little silly, a lot formulaic, and kind of boring.  I give it a B-, also it is better than "Transformers 3"
Next movie I am guessing will be "Moneyball" because hey, I love the A's, and it looks to be pretty good.

Song of the day, let's take it to a darker place this time:

hmmmm embedding disabled on my first choice: http://youtu.be/v_09wFxoaeQ
so we will go like this for number 2! Best Metal song ever IMO:


  1. I thought it was decent...yes, formulaic and such but pretty good.

    What I learned:

    *Tom Hardy and I look pretty similar when we are just wearing shorts.

    *It's probably not a good idea to take a drink after being sober for 3 years.

    *Just because your sober doesn't mean that you are forgiven for your past a-hole life.

    *Paddy thinks "If you're not first, you're last" (That doesn't make any sense at all, you can be second, third, fourth... hell you can even be fifth.)

    *There is probably a lot that you don't know about your teachers.

    *You can't use the auditorium to host a viewing of something that a teacher got suspended for.

    *Even though you get suspended for being a MMA fighter, the principal will secretly think you are awesome.

    *Paddy has really good hearing.

    *If you are in training, you can not eat at the local greasy spoon type cafe.

    *You father will keep that poster you made comparing yourself to an ancient greek.

    *"Bouncing" is a pretty good alibi for MMA fighting.

    *He probably didn't actually get beaten up by three frat boys.

    *Your wife says that she will never watch you fight again...but probably will.

    *He doesn't really remember that, because he was unconscious.

    *It is really hard to fight with a dislocated arm.

    *Sometimes the only way to get through to people is to tell them that you love them when you have them in a submission hold.

  2. lord how could I forget that he was trying to out fight a greek god?!?!

  3. Is this your new measure for rating movies? I propose you call it "The Transformers 3 Scale of Awfulness".


  4. I think the scale of awfulness goes something like this (from most awful to not so bad):

    Date Movie
    Transformers 2
    Transformers 3
    Anything with Sarah Jessica Parker
    getting kicked in the nuts
    Pretty much any other movie

  5. Mike, you complete me.
    in between JSP and nut kicking, most movies that have anyone one from the TV show "friends" falls.

    Date Movie was so bad, so so bad

  6. OK. Now I have to respectfully disagree with your scale. SJP was in Mars Attacks.


  7. Stop living in the past, Shannon. 1 good movie in the past 15 years does not a great actor make.

    She has been in a few decent movies throughout her career but she did not make those movies good. And any movie where she is the top role/star has been pretty awful...not Transformers 2 awful, but awful nonetheless.


I welcome your thoughts and feedback!