Thursday, June 4, 2009

Boss Shirt, Boss

My brother informed me that once he was reading out on shirt woot (the shirt division of woot) that if you ever see someone in a Woot shirt you should tell them "Boss shirt, boss."

A week and a half ago I logged on to woot, and saw it was 3 random t-shirts for $18.00 shipped. For a fat guy like me to be able to get three XXXL t-shirt for 18 bucks it is worth the gamble of not knowing just what you might receive.

So without further delay I present to you my 3 random bags of crap shirts. I look forward to reading your favorites, I know I have mine.

This one could be called "Butter Face" but I think it is more about forcing and attitude adjustment on people. Usually I am the one in need, but being the jerk I am I think everyone else in the world should change. Happiness meter of this crap for me? Like the color, like what it says. 8 out of 10

Ah, the Ad Counsil* trying to beat down a terrible, yet treatable desiese. Scurvy! This shirt not only is spreading a message, but will be great on National Talk Like a Pirate Day. Happiness meter of this crap for me? A specialty shirt, oh but it will be worn. 6 out of 10

Last, but certainly not least is my new paper doll shirt. It is amazing that sometimes no matter how close we are we don't always know what is going on with the person just a few feet down the way. Like George Benard Shaw once said, "The problem with communication ... is the illusion that it has been accomplished." you know maybe the one on the left heard, "I'm on fire." But that could have more than one meaning as maybe the one on the right is a great basketball player. Happiness meter of this crap for me? Not my favorite color, but I do look good in itand I really like what it says. 7 out of 10

*Ad Counsil did not actual make this shirt

Posts to look forward to from me..... Things I learned from the new Star Trek movie...... the grass in the back yard project..... Ella's party...... and much much more....

so please feel free to leave comments, they are like the fuel that makes this old boy want to get up and go.


  1. Awesome shirts, you got a very nice selection. I know if I ever do the 3 randon shirts that I am sure I will get three that I hate.

  2. Dude, I once got a teal kiddy sea dragon on an ugly blue shirt.... it happens, but that is part of the fun XD

  3. Didn't you give that sea dragon shirt to Jamie?

    Also, I'm not sure if you are aware but the majority of the times you refer to the shirts in your post, you typed "shit" rather than "shirt". Freudian slip or intentional?


  4. My favorite is the paper people. And you do look lovely in blue!


  5. Cameron, I'm so glad you enjoy my Mary Engelbreit calendar and that George's quote came in handy. I also like you in blue but am confused by your comment that you often feel others need the attitude adjustment rather than yourself.

    Shannon, thanks for thinking I fit in a XXXL!
    Love, JamieLou

  6. Kind of sad -- you could have mentioned you'll be blogging about your mean wife having Prissy's eye yanked out. Would the pics of that go in your next blog or in food porn?

  7. NO! I didn't mean that, Jamie! I thought he gave it to you to use as a night shirt. A big, baggy, very, very oversized night shirt.



I welcome your thoughts and feedback!