Saturday, May 23, 2009

Things I learned from the Terminator Salvation

If you are reading this…you are the resistance.

yaaaaarrrrrr there be spoilers down below, so proceed with caution. Ye have been warned.

Let me start off by saying that I understand it is a movie. And that is is a Science Fiction movie. And that certain things just have to be accepted in order for this movie to be believable. Let me also say, I have no problem with a future where machines are aware. I have no problem that machines will strike first so that we won't turn them off. I have no problem with making human machine cyborgs. I have no problem with transformers, human grabbers, face suckers or any other type of autonomous machine. I do have great problems with continuity issues. I have even bigger problems with things that are so far removed form reality that they can't even be believed in a science fiction movie.

with that here is what I learned:

I learned that one helicopter crash after a nuclear explotion is easy to walk away from.

I learned that two helicopter crashes are easy to walk away from.

I learned a possible third helicopter crash would have been just silly, so that helicopter doesn't crash from a nuclear explosion.

I learned that there will be a mute girl, but they won't tell you why.

I learned to kill the first generation terminators it is easiest to make Rube Goldberg machines to first catch and then crush them.

I learned that if you have a sound machine that turns off all terminator and terminator like machine, you won't use it when you go to Cyberdyne to kill all the machines. You will simply gloss over the fact you own one of these sound machines.

I learned that a human machine hybrid can tear his own machine processing ship out and all the machine parts will still work.

I learned that talking too long on the submarine radio can and will be bad for your health.

I learned that if you are going to show it is man against the machines make sure you have a leader from every continent together stereotypically dressed up. ie a Russian, china man, dude from the middle east....

I learned that if you want to live you should go with him.

I learned that John Conner would be back.

I learned that if you make a terminator movie you must jump motor cycles off of bridges.

I learned that Alice in Chains is all but forgotten in 2018.

I learned that a man executed in 2003 somehow is able to be reborn in 2018 as a machine/man hybrid yet his brain and heart are still good to go.

I learned that surgery in 2018 is performed out in the desert with sand blowing around.

I learned that after that surgery doesn't work heart replacement surgery will. In the desert. Sure some of these people can't make cars work, but they do remember how to replace a heart. don't worry about rejection drugs, infection, matching blood types that is all silly talk.

I lerned that if your face gets scratched up it will be scabbed over later that day, but after your heart transplant those same wounds will need to be bandaged with blood flowing everywhere.

I learned that when you want to make time pass just make it night from day and people will just accept the fact he traveled hundreds of miles.

I learned that in 2018 San Fransisco is the root of all evil.

I learned that a five finger death punch from a terminator only stops the heart is doesn't explode it like Uma Thurman would.

I learned that even though almost everythign has been blown up there is still time for the whitest teeth, shaving, and lip stick during the war against machines.

I learned that Marla Singer is the face chosen by the machines to represent them.

I learned that the machines aren't networked together very well and that they don't believe in hacker security.

I learned that humans may have won the battle, but humans haven't won the war.

I learned that even though they have been retired countless times, the A-10 Warthog will once again but put back into service to fight the machines.

I learned that if the guy that produces "Chuck" is involved there is going to be an uncomfortable scene where it looks like the hybrid is being hooked into the intersect.

I learned that maybe McG should stick to making TV shows

I learned that if you want to piss off the Machines play a Guns N Roses track from T2,

I learned that two day old coyote is better than three day old coyote.

I learned that even though people live in a gas station in the middle of the desert they can still get fresh vegetables and milk.

I learned that in the future, don’t go swimming in the river.


  1. That all being said, I still enjoyed the movie (much, much more than T3). I will probably get it on DVD even.
    I did find it a little weird that people clapped during the closing credits. I didn't think people still did that.
    Thought Christian Bale did an ok job even it was nothing super special like The Machinist or 3:10 to Yuma.

  2. Christian Bale? Gravel voiced and snaggle toothed. Other than that pretty good. I just don't feel that he can method act a future guy, as he actually can't go to the future.... yet.

    Much more than T3? that is like saying I got 2 nice gifts and kick in the nuts, and then someone slapped me and say "I enjoyed the slap much more than the kick in the nuts."

    I just think McG had no business being involved with this projectm and everyone just laughed to the bank. It was like oceans 11 in that way. These are just my opinions.

  3. Was Marla Singer wearing a 2nd hand bridesmaid dress that someone loved intensely for one day and threw out the next?


  4. Two More.

    1. Protip: Only hire guys with no vowels in their name to shoot hoops or kick Field Goals.

    2. Step1: Make 4th Terminator Movie, Step2: Exclude James Cameron and Govenator, Step3: Profit=?, Step4: Edward Furlong now can make fun of your career.

  5. Good to see you keeping this going. Looking for the Star Trek one.

    I miss laughing out loud at stupid stuff on the internet instead of running karaoke.

    I wish I would have found this when we were at Billy's:

    Talk soon,



I welcome your thoughts and feedback!