Wednesday, November 19, 2008

a great vacation

Somehow this fat bastard posted this on run fat cam run, so I guess I'll put it on both...

So here are some pictures from the trip.... Somehow we failed to get group pictures of Rusty, Shannon, Jamie Lou and me... not sure what happened with that could have been the Russo Blancos, they were mighty good.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

So, let the questions begin, and to the best of my knowledge I will answer them for you. Unless that mean going to jail, then I will lie to you




  1. I think the lack of group pictures can be attributed to our focus on drinking as much alcohol as possible rather than fiddling with a camera.

    BTW, great pictures. They make me sad:( Let's go back!


  2. That looks nice...maybe a little too crowded though (ha ha). Glad you had a great time. I am a little disappointed in the lack of monkey or cappebara pictures. All vacations should have those.


I welcome your thoughts and feedback!