Thursday, July 28, 2011

Things I learned form the movie "Horrible Bosses"

This movie was entertaining, nothing real new or over the top that makes it a must see. But I had a few good laughs. I'd give it a B- for a grade and say that it is a "must see" compared to "Transformers 3". Not for children, drugs and language violence and a little sex.... So with that here are the things I learned watching "Horrible Bosses"

  • I learned that when murder is your central theme, the reasons presented feel pretty flimsy when they don't center around revenge and or retribution.

  • I learned that Jennifer Aniston eating a popsicle, banana, and finally a hot dog was pretty sexy.

  • I also learned that her eating them in that order is weird, as it isn't a proper meal.

  • I learned that if you drag race in a Prius you probably won't win a lot.

  • I learned that Kevin Spacey pretty much crushes anything he ever does, and it probably isn't easy to shoot a scene with him if he is the only other one in the shot.

  • I learned that if you are going to use the dust buster to suck up cocaine, you should empty the dust filter first.

  • I learned that Colin Farrel playing a coke head sex addict loser seemed to come pretty natural to him.

  • I learned that street name of Mother Fucker Jones, has different meaning than Mother Fuck Over Jones to people not from the neighborhood.

  • I learned that if you pee on a children's playground at midnight you will end up on the sex offender registry.

  • I learned that you will claim is is entrapment to have a playground next to a bar.

  • I learned that Americans can't pronounce Gregory's real name.

I am sure there were more, but that is what the comment section is for....
Next "things I learned" installment will be on Harry Potter 7.2

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Movie Invite for 7-27(that is Wednesday)

I'll have the things I learned from Horrible bosses later this week...

Movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 2 (Electric Boogaloo):
Movie Starts at 7:00 PM I am going to Joe's Pub in Johnston before (after work getting there after 4) for beers and pizza.
Who: You
What: HP 7.2
When: Wednesday July 27 - 7:00 PM
Where: Merle Hay Mall Cinema
3800 Merle Hay Road, Des Moines IA 50310 | (515) 252-0804
Why: Because. Mike will be there, that is cool. And this movie will be way better than Transformers 1, 2, and 3 combined(not that says too much the Transporter 1, 2, and 3 combined are better than Transformers 1, 2, and 3 combined).

Another fun new map!

and the Video of the Day! Something about this that I really like....

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Movie Review: "Transformers 3" and Invite to "Horrible Bosses"

Kind of thought I would kill two birds with one stone here and write a review of Last weeks movie Transformers 3, and extend and invite to This weeks movie Horrible Bosses

Movie review Transformers 3:
My review is as follows: Do NOT see this movie, it is terrible. I hate myself more today than I did the day before because I saw it. You have been warned. If you have already been to this movie, I am thinking of starting a support group for recovery.

Movie Invite Horrible Bosses:
Movie Starts at 7:10 PM I am planning on going to Joe's Pub in Johnston before (after work getting there a little before 5) for beers and pizza.
Who: You
What: Horrible Bosses
When: Thursday July 21 - 7:10 PM
Where: Carmike Cobblestone 9
8501 Hickman Road, Des Moines IA 50322
Why: Because. Mike will be there, that is cool. And this movie will be way better than Transformers.

This is me fancying it up, with maps and labels! Got to love technology!

Video of the day, my back up chick Ke$ha and Blow: Just like Yesterday's vid, stick with it, it gets pretty good!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Things I like

I like signs that can only use pictures to get their point across, I like them even better when they don't make any sense to me. This one is from the Hy-Vee gas station on Fleur on the "SOUTH SIDE" (heck it could be at all of them)!

Now I could buy that a person in a gas powered wheelchair may, and I repeat MAY need help filling up their chair. I would think that if they have the ability to create a gas powered wheelchair, they would have the ability to fill it up on their own. I guess that is neither here nor there with my real issue with the assistance button.

My real problem with the gas station is their assertion that a baby could have a gas powered stroller! That is just dumb. First, the baby wouldn't even be able to get credit to have a gas card to pay with, let alone have a concept of money and being able to get into the wallet for the right bills. Second, who would drive? The baby? That is just stupid. Lastly, I am sure the baby would need some kind of license to drive a gas powered stroller, and that isn't happening until at least 16, 14 if the baby's parent wanted to ride along I guess.

Speaking of stupid, Rebecca Black. Now I know she never asked for any of the fame she got, but today's video is simply fantastic, stick it out through the credits, you will laugh:

Monday, July 18, 2011

OK 11 months off may be enough....

OK it is July in Iowa and it is HOT. Real Hot, they say it feels like a hundred and something out there, thank goodness we have some pools at out disposal here in Central Iowa. One we get to float in the other we are doing construction at ;-) Spent Saturday at Uncle Joe's working on the pool house, at his place there won't be any excuse as to why you are peeing in his pool with a bathroom that is going to be so close now. Zac and Joe got the Roof up and papered, while Ted and DeDe and I started getting the reclaimed barn boards up on the front side. It should look quite nice once it is all done.At T&D's on Sunday it was an afternoon float that made the 106 degree temperature much more manageable. In fact, in the water it was quite a nice day! While this pic is from Saturday it gets the point across, we have 2 pools to pick from bitches!

Song of the day: System of a Down "Lonely Day"