Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My Newest Addiction

Not sure how many of you fly, and I am not implying that I do it a lot, but one of my little pleasures is Sky Mall Magazine. So much Worthless crap that I didn't know what to think. If you were lucky enough to catch the episode of "How I Met Your Mother" where Barney was addicted to buying items from sky mall when he was upset, I understood. There is a certain draw to ordering worthless crap you never knew you needed until you see it in the magazine or on-line.

I mean look at this bad boy! Who couldn't use a dual hot dog cooker/dual bun toaster?!?!?! I know I want one, but I have this thing called self control, and her name is Jamie Lou. She can be the voice of reason in all matter of impulse buy. I now know I don't need a hot dog cooker, motorcycle, or mohawk. But yet I still think I would look pretty cool riding down the road on my motorcycle, eating a hot dog in a toasted bun with a green mohawk. But I am sure that she is the one that is probably in the right on this issue.

But I am losing focus here, my newest addiction... one that I am enjoying so much more than heroi.... skymall is WOOT. Woot.com is like a sky mall auction site. 1 item for 1 day! What's it going to be? I don't know, you'll have to stay up until midnight CST and see, because hey those items can sell out pretty fast. Sunday night were random t-shirt for 6 bucks a peice. So I got 3 of them which leads me to this: When you are ordering random left over t-shirts you might not get any real winners. So I got a sea monster, a hermit crab, and a hand pulling colors. Worth 18 bucks? Prolly not. But the fun I have on the anticipation until that random package arives?!?! well worth more than 18 chickens. I was lucky enough to get 3 BOCs a few day back on the last woot-off. I'll make sure I post what I get and try to include a picture or two. That is always the best 8 bucks you can spend. Once IO got 24 of the same calander, and what's not to love in that? HEY! it's 4 minutes to midnight, time to get to woot and start banging that F5 key!


  1. Kelly and his old gf had one of those hot dog cookers/bun toasters. It was pretty awesome. Was it so awesome to justify the cost and space it would take up...no (especially when the same thing can be accomplished on a grill or stove in a couple minutes). But it was awesome for me if someone else owned it and I got to play with it occasionally. HDs are delicious...second only to MCDs.

  2. Hey, at least they're better than your bomb pop t-shirt!

  3. Is that the Deion Sanders Hot Dog Cooker, by chance? You can't put a price tag on that.

  4. You have no idea how many times I've seen that hot dog cooker and thought of buying it for you. Also, does your "self-control" apply to purses and shoes?


I welcome your thoughts and feedback!